1. Find few clinics that you like by comparing quality, prices, and reviews.
2. Send them a query and wait for their answer.
3. Compare the answers, select one clinic where you would like to make an appointment.
With the purchase of the service, you receive a voucher, with which you receive this service at your chosen clinic. With the purchase, you pay a reservation of 15% of the service. You pay the rest at your chosen clinic.
Buying on our site is enabled for registered and unregistered buyers. To register, you need to complete the fields on the REGISTRATION page and then download the instructions that were sent to the e-mail address you left.
Buying process
When you find the service/services you want, you need to select the quantity and click on the ADD TO THE CART button. Once you have completed your selection, clicking on the MY CART button in the upper right corner will open a review page of all the products you are sending and the fields you need to fill in so that the service voucher arrives at the desired address. Then choose a payment method, and if you have a note, you can type it in the comment field. Clicking on the CONFIRM button confirms that you agree to the terms of the purchase, and your order is processed. You will receive a confirmation email on the email address you entered with a note of a successful purchase, as well as any notifications about changing your order status. Please note that you are booking a reservation on the website and you pay for a 15% service charge. You will then receive a voucher confirming the reservation of the service. The rest of the item you pay directly at the chosen clinic. We wish you a nice shopping!