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Add your new clients while profiting

Add your clinic

✓ Sign up for free
✓ Advertising in multiple languages
✓ Get a review with every client
✓ Customer support 24/7

Sign up your clinic and start


Why using

We will make your schedule fully booked

You can always expect inquiries from the platform, and therefore new clients, regardless where your office is located at.

Sign up for free

There are absolutely no registration fees or subscription costs to become our partner.

Complete customer support

Our customer support team is there for you and your customers - 7 days a week.

How does it work

Tell us more about your business

After you registrate, we will send you the forms we need to shown you on the platform. On the platform you will have the information about your clinic, pictures and prices of your services.

We will tell the world about you

We will present your clinic in a way that is relevant to business niche. We will also advertise you on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo to help you increase your number of users and therefore your revenue!

You will receive inquiries

You receive customer inquiries on your account. You negotiate directly with clients about their needs and treatment plans. Our support is at your disposal for easier communication with clients.

Clinics near you

  • Specialists for: plastic and aesthetic surgery
  • Doctor: Dr. Milan Colic, Dr. Nina Šijan, Dr. Zuhra Memić
  • Location: Belgrade, Serbia
  • Benefits Cash Back -3%, Best Offer Garanteed, Discounts Prices
  • Pricing: €€€€ (4,2) - check prices


Belgrade, Serbia
Number of comments:
€€€€ (4,2)
  • Specialists for: Hair Transplantation, Plastic Surgery, Medical Aesthetic
  • Doctor: /
  • Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • Benefits Cash Back -3%, Best Offer Garanteed, Discounts Prices
  • Pricing: €€€ (3,5) - check prices


Istanbul, Turkey
Number of comments:
€€€ (3,5)
  • Specialists for: aesthetic surgery and hair transplantation
  • Doctor: 
  • Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • Benefits Cash Back -3%, Best Offer Garanteed, Discounts Prices
  • Pricing: €€€ (3,9) - check prices


Istanbul, Turkey
Number of comments:
€€€ (3,9)
  • Specialists for:   
  • Doctor:
  • Location: Antalya, Turkey
  • Benefits Cash Back -3%, Best Offer Garanteed, Discounts Prices
  • Pricing: €€€ (3,5) - check prices


Antalya, Turkey
Number of comments:
€€€ (3,5)

About us

Common questions

How are payments done by clients?
Clients pay for the services they use at your clinic.Only if the client acquires the service through our platform, he pays for the service reservation (15% of quoted price), gets a voucher with which he goes to your office and pays the remaining sum (85% of quoted price) at your office.
Is platform advertising payed for?
Placing the clinic on the platform is free (including translation into the main languages). You only pay us a commission fee from clients, who come through the platform. There are also premium service packages, which are paid extra and which include active marketing services through our platform. If you are interested in such packages, contact Customer Service (
How do I know that the query has arrived?
The customer request arrives directly in your account on the platform. In addition, you will receive a notification by e-mail that the request has arrived. The request from the client always includes the e-mail address and telephone number of the client. That is why you have to be quick and specific in your response, because there is a chance that the client has sent an inquiry to another practice.
Where do potential customers come from?
Our platform is advertised throughout digital marketing funnels. We use all existing funnels to get as many customers as possible to the platform.
The most important for us are paid ads:
 * Google search 
 * Google display
 * Facebook i Instagram ads
 * Youtube ads for some markets
Then SEO optimization, affiliate programsWe advertise in local markets, regionally and internationally in more than 50 countries. So you can receive inquiries from clients from more than 50 countries.
How does make money?
At the beginning of the month, we send you a report on customers who came from our system. You are filling out a traffic report for us, which you made in the past month with clients from our system. After that, we provide you with a collective commission invoice, which is standard, 15% of the total turnover from clients from our system.
If the client buys a service through the platform, then he pays 10% for that service on the platform, gets a voucher, and pays the other 90% in the office. In that case, the commission for clinics is 15% and is already charged through the platform.


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The procedure is easy. We are with you every step of the way.

Ask us

If you find it difficult to choose the right clinic for you, then recommends clinics that can best solve your aesthetic problem.